Archives de catégorie : Anglais

Com’ Sans Frontière : Com’ si vous y étiez!

Comme l’année dernière avec son concours « Que des Talents », le lycée René Cassin lance cette année « Com’ Sans Frontière »  dans un tout autre registre, à nouveau orchestré  par les étudiants du BTS Communication et Support à l’Action Managériale.

Continuer la lecture de Com’ Sans Frontière : Com’ si vous y étiez!

Rencontre poétique entre étudiants et poètes venus d’ailleurs…

Les étudiants en première année de BTS Commerce International et BTS Assistant de Gestion de PME ont rencontré, le mardi 20 novembre 2018, Zayneb Allak, une poète britannique.
Cette rencontre s’est déroulée dans le cadre de la Rencontre Mondiale de la Poésie, organisée par le Conseil de l’Europe, à l’occasion du forum Mondial de la démocratie.

Continuer la lecture de Rencontre poétique entre étudiants et poètes venus d’ailleurs…

Challenge Négociation : rencontre avec les lauréates

Manon et Camille, deux étudiantes du lycée René Cassin ont participé au Challenge Négociation organisé par l’IUT Robert Schuman à Illkirch le vendredi 12 janvier 2018. Nous les avons rencontrées après leur victoire …

Continuer la lecture de Challenge Négociation : rencontre avec les lauréates

In the park…

Voici un petit résumé de la vidéo en anglais ci-dessous.

Cassandra en couple avec son copain Robert, part dans un parc courir après une dispute avec ce dernier et elle rencontre deux jeunes hommes, William et Joe. Celle-ci les invite à boire un verre, mais Robert les rejoint dans le parc… Pour connaître la fin de cette histoire,  écoutez cette bande son et vous trouverez le dialogue ci-dessous.

Continuer la lecture de In the park…

The Burglary

Bader, Adnan, Noémie, Sihem, élèves du lycée, sont fiers de vous présenter la saynète qu’ils ont réalisé dans le cadre de leur  cours d’anglais. Découvrez le texte ainsi que leur interprétation !


The Burglary


Characters :
– Carl Johnsen (Bader) : fast, serious, smart
– Peter (Adnan) : scared, serious, nervous, strong
– Hannah (Noémie) : smart, loyal, she’s always respecting the rules.
– Sihem (Sihem) : smart, she has a good style, loyal, she’s never late



One night, during winter, at 7 o’clock, two men were in the street. They were waiting for a shop to close.

CARL. – So what are we doing ?
PETER. – We’re going into the shop and we’re taking the cash!
CARL. – Okay I got it !

They went into the shop…

CARL. – There is a girl over there, what do we have to do ?
PETER. – Calm down! I’m going to talk to her.
SIHEM. – Hi, can I help you ?
PETER. – Yes you can, just give me the cash !
SIHEM. – Why should I ?
PETER. – I just want the money, I don’t want to hurt you !
SIHEM. – I don’t think it’s going to happen !

Sihem pushed a button and then she ran away. An alarm was ringing into the shop.

CARL. – Peter, what’s happening now ?
PETER. – I don’t know but we have to take the money.
CARL. – Peter, we have to go : we don’t have the time now.
PETER. – I just need to do something. Wait a minute !
CARL. – I’m sorry. I can’t let the cops take me.
PETER. – Don’t you dare leave me alone, brother !
CARL. – I’m sorry, good luck…
PETER. – You will pay for that !

The cops got into the shop and Hannah found Peter.

HANNAH. – So, you’re the one who did that ?
PETER. – I’ll explain the whole story later.
HANNAH. – Of course, you will ! Come with me to the police station !

At the police station:

HANNAH. – So tell me why you did that !
PETER. – What do you think, I wanted to get some money !
HANNAH. – There are other ways to have money !
PETER. – But I wanted to do that, and I wasn’t alone !
HANNAH. – Really ? So you’re telling me that an other person was with you ?
PETER. – Yes, my brother !
HANNAH. – And what’s his name ?
PETER. – Carl, Carl Johnsen !
HANNAH. – Oh okay, and why wasn’t he with you when we came in ?
PETER. – He ran away !
HANNAH. – Okay I see, that’s all for today, no more questions for you.

Hannah went straight to Carl’s apartment.

CARL. – What are you doing here ?
HANNAH. – I talked to your brother…
CARL. – Oh, so he told you that I was with him.
HANNAH. – Yes… Why ??
CARL. – We needed money… but I didn’t think it was going to be like that. I wanted to stop him when we got into the shop.
HANNAH. – I believe you, I know you’re not a liar and I owe you something, remember.
CARL. – Yes I know and I hope that you can help me with that. I haven’t done anything wrong !
HANNAH. – I know, I know. I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.

Meanwhile, Sihem went to the police station to see Peter.

PETER. – Hi…
SIHEM. – So, did it work ?
PETER. – Kind of.
SIHEM. – What do you mean ?
PETER. – I said what I had to say, so for now everything is fine.
SIHEM. – That’s all good then ! I hope that the rest of the plan will be okay.
PETER. – Me too.

Hannah went back to the police station and found Peter with Sihem.

HANNAH. – Hi !
SIHEM. – Hi… I just wanted to make sure he was here, what he did was just terrible !
HANNAH. – Don’t lie to me, I know that you know him !
PETER. – That’s not true !
HANNAH. – I did my research, I know what I’m saying.
SIHEM. – Okay fine…
PETER. – What are you doing ?
SIHEM. – I don’t want to lie anymore…
HANNAH. – Tell me.
SIHEM. – I have known him for a long time and we wanted to have some money, that’s why we did that…
PETER. – We’re sorry.
HANNAH. – It’s okay, I’ll let you go but promise me to stop your little games !
SIHEM. – And what’s going to happen to Carl ? He should go to jail !
HANNAH. – And why ? He hasn’t done anything wrong ! Peter is not going to jail, so Carl is not going either.
SIHEM. – Yes you’re right, that was stupid.

Carl went to the police station.

CARL. – So what did I miss ?
HANNAH. – It’s okay you’re not going to jail, neither is Peter.
CARL. – Thank you ! I know that what he did wasn’t good so thank you.

Carl went outside and shouted.