In the park…

Voici un petit résumé de la vidéo en anglais ci-dessous.

Cassandra en couple avec son copain Robert, part dans un parc courir après une dispute avec ce dernier et elle rencontre deux jeunes hommes, William et Joe. Celle-ci les invite à boire un verre, mais Robert les rejoint dans le parc… Pour connaître la fin de cette histoire,  écoutez cette bande son et vous trouverez le dialogue ci-dessous.


Halima : Kassandra
Amir : William
Antoine : Buakaw Jay
Nicolas : Robbert

Kassandra and Robert are in a relationship but today they are having an argument.

Kassandra : You drink only ! You keep drinking and do nothing else !
Robbert : Shut up !

Kassandra is angry. She leaves to go running.
She stops just to see William doing weights. William notices her watching, he comes over to speak to her :

William : Why are you looking at me ?
Kassandra : Because I think you are a beautiful man !
William : Thanks very much, you too ! What do you do ?
Kassandra : I’d like to work abroad.
William :  Oh, it’s super ! I dream to be a lawyer, abroad, because it would be better than here.
Kassandra : Are you ok to go and have a drink with me at 4 P.M?

Now, Buakaw Jah comes with a nice car.

Buakaw : Hello ! You are stunning ! Do you know that you have beautiful eyes? I am Buakaw Jah and I am a weathly business man.
Kassandra : Hello, I am Kassandra, thank you for your compliments ! Are you ok to go and drink with me at 4 P.M ?

Suddendly, Robbert appears and Kassandra is surprised because he sees her talking with Buakaw Jay and William.

Robbert : Please, forgive me for shouting at you ! Who are these guys?
Kassandra : I don’t know : they hit on me.
Willam et Buakaw : Why ???
Robbert : Don’t worry, let’s go ! I love you so much, my love !

 Elèves de René Cassin

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